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(Version 3.8)
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*  [[File:noaa.png|right|350px]]Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: fixes a bug where "max1" and similar template selectors return no data, but being data available.  
*  [[File:noaa.png|right|350px]]Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: fixes a bug where "max1" and similar template selectors return no data, but being data available.  
* Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: makes non iterating part of an export template (the lines that start with "$") subject to general template variable replacements. This allows to add summary information about a month to an export that in principle just iterates all the days of the month. This is a fundamental features to generate summary reports.
* Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: makes non iterating part of an export template (the lines that start with "$") subject to general template variable replacements. This allows to add summary information about a month to an export that in principle just iterates all the days of the month. This is a fundamental features to generate summary reports.
* Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: adds NOAA like monthly reports a templates for data export. Both styles, ISO and IMP are available. Based on this template a generation of the file can be automatically generated and sent via email on a month's end.
* Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: adds NOAA like monthly reports a templates for data export. Both styles, ISO and IMP are available ("NOAA-monthly-iso" and "NOAA-monthly-imp"). These template allow to automatically generate a monthly weather data file in NOAA style file which can then be sent via email to an interested user or uploaded via FTP to a server.
* Meteobridge NANO SD: initializes SMB user "meteobridge" with password "meteobridge" on first start.
* fixes a shortly introduced bug that prevent rebooting the Meteobridge from the web interface. You do so by browsing to "http://ip-of-your-meteobridge/cgi-bin/system.cgi?reboot" or when accessing from the Internet by "https://admin.meteobridge.com/...../cgi-bin/system.cgi?reboot".

Revision as of 20:39, 17 November 2018

Meteobridge is a device that is easy to use and which should not raise a demand for extensive support. However, there is a forum, where you can share experiences, questions, wishes with other users.


Please make use of this in favor to emails, as a wider public can participate of your insights and problem resolution recipes. Forum is part of Meteohub Forum: Meteobridge Forum

Release Log

To get the latest release running on your rig, just do a reboot or power-cycle. Chapters below illustrate new features and bug fixes that have been realized in current and previous releases.

Version 3.8

released November 17, 2018

  • Noaa.png
    Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: fixes a bug where "max1" and similar template selectors return no data, but being data available.
  • Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: makes non iterating part of an export template (the lines that start with "$") subject to general template variable replacements. This allows to add summary information about a month to an export that in principle just iterates all the days of the month. This is a fundamental features to generate summary reports.
  • Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: adds NOAA like monthly reports a templates for data export. Both styles, ISO and IMP are available ("NOAA-monthly-iso" and "NOAA-monthly-imp"). These template allow to automatically generate a monthly weather data file in NOAA style file which can then be sent via email to an interested user or uploaded via FTP to a server.
  • Meteobridge NANO SD: initializes SMB user "meteobridge" with password "meteobridge" on first start.
  • fixes a shortly introduced bug that prevent rebooting the Meteobridge from the web interface. You do so by browsing to "http://ip-of-your-meteobridge/cgi-bin/system.cgi?reboot" or when accessing from the Internet by "https://admin.meteobridge.com/...../cgi-bin/system.cgi?reboot".

released November 15, 2018

  • Meteobridge NANO SD: adds Cactus industrial SLC microSD card "KS2GRIT-803M" as being accepted by the NANO SD.
  • Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: reactivates data caching for short-term data that still is in database queue.
  • fixes a missing wind chill issue with Oregon WMR300 stations.

released November 14, 2018

  • Meteobridge NANO SD: adds ATP micro SD card in SLC technology "ATP AF2GUDI" as being accepted by the NANO SD.
  • Meteobridge NANO SD: some changes on database code, now making use of sqlite WAL storage mode which reduces risk of locking the database or keeping it in busy state for a longer time.
  • Meteobridge PRO & NANO SD: fixes a bug that did result in not updated sensor data for "all" time frame.
  • fixes a bug that kept loading application stack from internal storage (USB or microSD card) even when switching back to "newest".
  • fixes an endianness bug on VoCore2 and TL-MR3020v3 platforms, when using Lufft WS700/600/200/10 stations.
  • fixes a bug that inhibited location of station via IP WAN address on certain situations.

released November 10, 2018

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a shortly introduced bug in regard to certain mail templates.
  • adds support for new Lufft WS10 station

released November 6, 2018

  • improves twitter error reporting to better understand why a tweet has not been sent. Issue with reaching certain limits for Meteobridge twitter use is still there. I hope we can sort this out with twitter.

released November 5, 2018

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug that does not delete uploaded files from local storage when told to do so.
  • allows to hide email/ftp/mysql/twitter/sms credentials within "Services" tab.
  • Meteobridge PRO: adds a proper "no data" logo when specifying date ranges on "History" tab where no data available.

released November 3, 2018

  • Meteobridge PRO: adds a forced reboot action when the logger process is stalled in unrecoverable "disk sleep" mode. This prevents stalling of the whole system.
  • Meteobridge PRO: will no show files with leading "." in drop-down lists used to select templates. This blocks display of meta data when operating with a Mac on folders shared over the network.

released October 31, 2018

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug that delivers the day before yesterday when asking for yesterday. template variables with selectors ydaysum, ydmax, ydmin, etc where affected. Please also initiate a "Reconstruct" task on "History" tab. This might be needed to fix wrongly added rain totals.
  • Meteobridge NANO: removes "USB switch" option from "Station" tab as NANO does not have any USB connection.

released October 28, 2018

  • Meteobridge NANO: some improvements in startup script

released October 22, 2018

  • Meteobridge NANO: some internal code adaptions to prepare for a set of new features.

Version 3.7

released October 21, 2018

  • fixes a bug on enabling input fields in "weather network" tab on some browsers.
  • fixes a shortly introduced bug that inhibits connecting to an Davis IP logger.

released October 16, 2018

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes bug that shows invalid daily rain fall when asking at 0:00 before any rain data for the day has arrived.

released October 13, 2018

  • improves reporting on issues when doing HTTP uploads.

released October 12, 2018

  • fixes bug that shows invalid daily rain fall when asking at 0:00 before any rain data for the day has arrived.

released October 8, 2018

  • fixes a bug on certain long/lat values when uploading data to CWOP or other APRS networks.

released October 7, 2018

  • improves handling of failed HTTP/HTTPS transmissions. Retries do now work more reliable and more retries can be selected than before.

released October 4, 2018

  • new algorithm to compute rain rate for WeatherFlow stations

released October 2, 2018

  • Meteobridge PRO: improves handling of logger restarts when no data coming in. This should solve the repetitive "/dev/ttyMH" erros shown in the logs.

released October 1, 2018

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug when generating an export file for data of a year in hourly resolution. Formerly the export of data got stuck in an endless loop when reaching the boundary where winter time skips to summer time. This resulted into filling up of all disk space and a stalled export process.

  • slightly increases longitude and latitude precision when using CWOP weather network or other APRS services. We removed a not so appropriate rounding in the formula used for coordinate transformation.
  • fixes a bug on recording rainfall data when using a WeatherFlow station.

released September 22, 2018

  • blocks admin web interface until Meteobridge is fully started. This is to avoid confusing error messages on admin interface caused by some mandatory processes not yet started.
  • improves screen build-up on "weather station" tab, when Davis Vantage selected.
  • fixes evaluation of template variable "MMM" to "Sep" in month September instead of "Sept".

released September 16, 2018

  • adds AWEKAS support for soil temp sensor when using Meteostick or Meteobridge PRO red.

released September 15, 2018

  • prevents WOW update interval to flip back from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.

released September 13, 2018

  • adds option to upload data every 5 minutes to WOW network (formerly shortest interval was 10 minutes).
  • updates logo for AWEKAS weather network.
  • fixes a bug where on some platforms it needs a reboot to have the change of HTTP password reflected. Synchronized SSH password does change immediately.
  • frees Vantage console out of RX-Test mode after power cycle in order to start data logging.

released September 11, 2018

  • fixing a bug on station page when selecting Davis stations. The bug did show config dialog of transmitters even when this section was not marked.
  • refactoring of some code sections, hopefully without introduction of new bugs.
  • reflects migration of "WeatherForYou" to "PWS Weather". Uploads stay as they are, it just a renaming on the web interface.

released August 31, 2018

  • adds reporting of low battery status of indoor and outdoor sensor to ambient weather network.

released August 29, 2018

  • adapts to forced HTTPS data uploads PreviMeteo decided to use for the upload URL shortly.

released August 27, 2018

  • fixes a freshly introduced bug that prevents web cam pictures to be uploaded to the Meteobridge server.

released August 26, 2018

  • Consoleread.png
    adds feature to transfer rain totals for day, month, year from Davis Vantage/Vue console to Meteobridge. Not supported on Meteobridge PRO.
  • adds feature to transfer min/max data of some sensors from Davis Vantage/Vue console to Meteobridge. This is recommended for initial setup only as it might result into inconsistencies (thb0seapress data is provided, but no thb0press data) and it will also erase date/time stamps for those sensors as the console does not provide date/time stamps for all min/max values). Not supported on Meteobridge PRO.
  • Meteobridge NANO: adds a feature to compensate for heating-up the console a bit by the NANO plug-in. This results into higher indoor temp readings as they actual are. An offset to compensate for that can be specified in Fahrenheit or Celsius. Recommended value is -6° Fahrenheit.

released August 25, 2018

  • adds support for HTTPS URLs for grabbing web cam pictures.

New Meteobridge_NANO is now available! You find list of resellers here. It is mainly a full Meteobridge shrunk to stamp size and serving as a plug-in for Davis Vantage/Vue consoles. It can't be easier to bring a Davis station into the Internet with all the features a Meteobridge has to offer.

released August 24, 2018

  • improves handling of min/max time stamps. In case sensor is not there a request for the timestamp of a min/max event does now correctly default to the replacement string.
  • Meteobridge PRO: adds "[sun0total-daysum.2:0.0]" to realtime.txt template in order to support 3rd party sunshine sensors for Davis Vantage.

released August 17, 2018

  • some changes in handling data coming in over a TCP/IP socket connection. This should reduce logger disconnect/connect cycles when being connected with a Davis WLIP device.
  • skips an demanded updating of Davis console time/date when difference is less than 60 seconds. This helps to reduce write cycles on flash storage in Davis console.

released August 15, 2018

  • fixes a bug that Davis console initialization remains incomplete when all setup options are selected.
  • adds a feature to set logging interval of the Davis data logger. This interval is meaningless for Meteobridge operation (as Meteobridge does not rely on the Davis logger) but might be interesting, when a PC connects directly via port 22222 to the Davis logger.

released August 14, 2018

  • improves Davis console initialization code to better handle when console is in manual setup mode and does not respond to remote setup commands. In case of a failed remote setup this will be noticed in the "system messages" field.
  • adds information about usage of Davis repeaters and retransmit settings of Davis console in "system messages" field.

released August 12, 2018

  • Fastlink.png
    support for AWEKAS fast link. When using an AWEKAS subscription-based "station web" service you can upload data in intervals down to every 30 seconds. All you need is to set the corresponding mark and to add your individual fastlink key to the AWEKAS credentials on your Meteobridge "weather network" tab.
  • adapts Davis Vantage forecast text regarding expected North directed wind shifts, which need to be directed to the South when station is located on the south globe.

released July 26, 2018

  • fixes a bug on platforms TL-MR3020v3 and TL-WR902AC that inhibited to make use of a bridged device on the Meteobridge LAN port by Meteobridge itself. Example: Meteobridge is connected via WiFi to your LAN and has a webcam directly connected to its LAN port. So far on TL-MR3020v3 and TL-WR902AC this webcam has been connected with the LAN fine (when bridge mode on Meteobridge is enabled on "Network" tab) but Meteobridge itself was not able to connect to it (while every other device in your LAN could). This bug is fixed now. Please note that only the mentioned new platforms have been impacted by that.

released July 20, 2018

  • switches over to a new latitude/longitude reference web page on "system" tab as the former one was restricted to certain countries in the course of GDPR.
  • fixes a newly introduced bug in the twitter services.

released July 8, 2018

  • Windcal.png
    adds a calibration factor for wind speed on "weather station" page. Please use this option with care and only when you are sure the factor does really apply. It is much better to reposition your anemometer or to live with lower wind readings when anemometer cannot be positioned better.

released July 6, 2018

  • gives more timeout tolerance for manually defined HTTP uploads at "Services" tab. This allows to better handle slow DNS resolution or weak Internet connections.

released July 1, 2018

  • Davissetup2.png
    adds mapping of sensors to transmitter IDs to the Davis configuration dialog. This dialog should now provide all settings needed to even configure an Envoy without the need to use the Davis PC program.

released June 27, 2018

  • increases limit of translated sentences in Meteobridge to 1200.

released June 26, 2018

  • Davissetup.png
    incorporates code for new Meteobridge NANO
  • fixes a bug that prevents to find out location data from the IP
  • adds support for Lufft Ventus V200A station
  • adds setup menu on "Weather Station" when Davis Vantage Pro2 or Vue is selected. This is extremely handy when you cannot reach the Davis console physically or if your have a Davis Envoy and don't want to use the Davis PC program to have those settings applied. Following settings can be done:
    • date and time as received from the Internet
    • longitude, latitude, timezone and altitude based on the settings specified within the Meteobridge
    • rain collector size (also rain season start as defined by Meteobridge)
    • wind cup size (for Vantage Pro2 only)
    • display modes for console regarding time and date format

Version 3.6

released June 9, 2018

  • some minor internal changes

released June 3, 2018

  • adds a feature on "live data" tab to define non primary sensors as being ignored. Those will not provide any data to weather network uploads. Ignored sensors are displayed in grey.

released May 30, 2018

  • fixes a bug that prevents TL-MR3020v3 from connecting to WLAN if that is not on channel 6.

released May 13, 2018

  • removed weather network "Weather Bug" which has been announced to be shutdown on end May 2018.

released May 8, 2018

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes bug regarding "ydaymin" and "ydaymax" values on first day of a month.
  • some internal code adjustments to be prepared for new hardware.

released April 13, 2018

  • fixes a buffer overrun causing a segmentation violation when sending data to HOMEWEATHERSTATION template.
  • fixes wrong retry settings for HOMEWEATHERSTATION upload.

released April 9, 2018

  • fixes a wind chill bug for Fine Offset stations WH1080, WH3080 and alike.

released April 5, 2018

  • adapts to a new authentication for windguru (salted hash) and fixes the shortly popping up "hash error" on "weather network" tab when having windguru selected.
  • Meteobridge PRO: better balances file storage between RAM and Flash to give Meteobridge PRO a few more MB of RAM headroom.

released March 31, 2018

  • fixes a minor bug which throws a "file open" error on "system" tab.

released March 28, 2018

  • Tl-mr3020v3.png
    todays release of a new firmware version (1.3) for TP-Link MR3020 V3 ** WHICH NOW ALSO SUPPORTS WIFI ** gives Meteobridge a cheap, capable and world-wide available Meteobridge platform for years to come. Compared to the legacy MR3020 we have double the ROM/RAM and we don't no longer need any USB hubs in order to have a USB weather station connected. When you had a former Meteobridge firmware installed on MR3020 V3 we strongly recommend to upgrade to the new one. Doing so will need to have your license adapted. Please contact "info(at)meteobridge.com" by providing the MAC of your unit, we will swap the license to the newly flashed MR3020 V3. Please visit hardware section to understand how to flash a MR3020 V3 and where to find the firmware image.

released March 11, 2018

  • Meteobridge PRO: optimizes memory usage to better support large sensor array setups.
  • some minor additions to Dutch language support

released March 10, 2018

  • adds template variable expressions "[mbsystem-primarysensors:]" and "[mbsystem-noprimarysensors:]" to control inside a template if "0" sensors (like th0, wind0, rain0, etc) should be replaced by sensors defined on "Live Data" tab as primary or taken literally. The mentioned template expressions are evaluated to the empty string and thereby do nothing directly in your template but control how variables are evaluated as a side effect.
  • Centrally hosted upload template for "Hetweeractuel" has been updated to use primary sensors: http://templates.meteobridge.com/hetweeractueel.template

released March 4, 2018

  • fixes a factor 10 bug on solar radiation measurement for WH2308 / 4000 weather stations.

released March 3, 2018

  • adds new sensor type "lgt" for handling lightning events as provided by WeatherFlow AIR station. "lgt0dist" return distance in kilometers, "lgt0energy" the strength of the strike and "lgt0total" number of lightning strikes for a given time period. Template section of the wiki has also been updated accordingly.

released February 28, 2018

  • Meteoagro.png
    adds weather network "Meteoagro NET"

released February 24, 2018

  • Wflogo.png
    adds full support for WeatherFlow AIR and SKY stations. Although these stations are part of your LAN/WLAN Meteobridge does not need to know their IP. This is a cool feature made possible by the station that sends data out as UDP broadcasts. Backside of this very convenient technique is, that the data cannot be routed and by that Meteobridge cannot connect to a WeatherFlow station outside the local LAN/WLAN.
  • adds a feature to address the sensors marked on "Live Data" tab as primary in template definitions. Please read details here...
    Since version 3.6 Meteobridge also supports selection of a sensor which has been defined on "Live Data" tab as primary. When no primary selection has been made all the "0" sensors (like "th0temp", "wind0wind", etc) are primary by default. But when you select "th3temp" as primary sensor and by that its data is reported as your stations outdoor temperature to all the weather networks, then you can now also select the primary sensor in your template definitions by selecting it as the "*" sensor. For example: "th*temp" selects the sensors defined as the primary outdoor temp sensor. When you use "[th*temp-act:--]" you get the current temperature of your primary outdoor temp sensor. This will be a synonym to "[th0temp-act:--] as long as you have not selected another sensor as primary outdoor temp sensor. But when you have selected "th3temp" to be the primary outdoor temp sensor, then "th*temp" will reference to "th3temp" instead of "th0temp". Please be aware that Meteobridge versions before version 3.6 will fail to evaluate "*" sensors. Therefore, it is recommended to provide both notations in a template and to make use of the conditional evaluation as explained in a later chapter. Here is an example that takes "th0temp" as default outdoor sensor on older Meteobridge versions and newer "th*temp" notation on current ones: #if{*[mbsystem-swversion:1.0]>=3.6*}#then#outdoor temp: [th*temp-act:--]°C#else#outdoor temp: [th0temp-act:--]°C#fi#

released February 23, 2018

  • fixes a bug that requests a USB hub to be used with TL-MR3020v3, which is not necessary to use a USB hub.
  • improves timeout handling on testing credentials for weather networks on "Weather Networks" tab.

released February 22, 2018

  • fixes a bug preventing from remote login on Meteobridge on TP-Link WR902AC and MR3020v3.

released February 18, 2018

  • fixes a newly introduced bug that halted WS600 data recording

released February 16, 2018

  • initial support for new WeatherFlow AIR station. Support for SKY station still pending.
  • updates WS600 driver to also operate on wind only sensors. Furthermore, it now just reports once on missing sensors for station WS600.

Version 3.5

released February 11, 2018

  • Primreset.png
    adds a "reset" button on "Live Data" tab which allows to reset manual sensor mapping.

released February 9, 2018

  • fixes a freshly introduced bug that inhibits template variable "mbsystem-ip" to be correctly evaluated.
  • fixes a SFTP upload problem.

released February 8, 2018

  • fixes a bug the inhibits Meteobridge to prepare list of "known SSIDs".

released February 6, 2018

  • fixes a shortly introduced bug that consumes too much file handles. Bug did throw error "Too many open files" in message section on "system" tab.
  • Meteobridge PRO: improves handling of LEDs and display when doing a shut down.

released February 5, 2018

  • fixes a bug with TL-WR902AV that has prevented from using LAN bridging mode when connected via WiFi.
  • Meteobridge PRO: Adds feature to nest two levels of template variable replacement. Please read details how this works and what it can be good for here.

released February 3, 2018

  • Ssidlist.png
    fixes a bug on TL-WR902AC platform that has limited WiFi operation to 5 GHz only.
  • improves scan for existing WiFi by also showing RF band (2.4 GHz vs 5 GHz) in addition to SSID and signal strength.

released January 28, 2018

  • Tl-mr3020v3.png
    Support for version 3 hardware of the TL-MR3020 from TP-Link has been added. This support does come with two caveats:
    • As we are lacking reliable working Open Source WiFi drivers for this new device, Meteobridge can currently offer LAN operation only. It remains unclear if/when this limit can be lifted.
    • The stock firmware only accepts updates of TP-Link signed updates. By that the Meteobridge firmware cannot be flashed to the device by the web interface. To work around this you have to setup of a TFTP server on your PC that provides the Meteobridge firmware for flashing. Flashing itself is easy, but it needs you to setup the TFTP server first.
  • You find a description how to flash the MR3020v3 in the "Preparing Hardware" section and can have a look at the hardware details of this new platform in "hardware" section. First tests indicate that this version 3 of the MR3020 does no longer need a USB hub to connect to the weather stations, which is nice. As Meteobridge support for MR3020v3 is brand new, there will for sure still be some bugs. We are happy when you report those in the forum, so that we can get rid of them fast. As with all new ports, please be a bit patient if it takes a few days until an issue is solved.

released January 27, 2018

  • some minor bug fixes on the new Meteobridge release for TL-WR902AC platform.
  • fixes a bug with the firmware download links on "Preparing Hardware" page.
  • adds Turkish language option and improves Dutch language support.

released January 24, 2018

  • Tl-wr902ac.png
    New hardware TL-WR902AC from TP-Link has been added to the list of supported devices. "Hardware" section and "Preparing Hardware" section are updated and explain how to flash these devices. The WR902 offers twice the RAM and Flash-ROM compared to MR3020, which makes developing SW for it a bit more relaxed. Feature-wise Meteobridge on this device is identical to all the other non-pro Meteobridge platforms. While WR902AC is able to operate on the 5 GHz band Meteobridge is currently only operating in the standard 2.4 GHz Band. This shouldn't be an issue as there are rarely any 5 GHz only WLANs and 2.4 GHz has anyway better RF reach and we don't really need top speed for Meteobridge operation. If the WR902AC also needs a USB hub to connect to USB 1.x weather stations is not known yet. It also has an Atheros chip, but it is another model and may be the drivers for this model do it right now... we 'll see. The port to WR902AC made switching from openwrt to lede on OS level necessary, so we had to setup a complete new compile chain. Therefore, the port might still have some bugs. If you discover some bugs, please report and please be a bit patient if fixing takes a few days. Currently the WR902AC is sold as hardware revision 1.x. You can see from the TP-Link pages that they are preparing to release a version 3 model, which seems to use different hardware. So take your chance to get a version 1 WR902AC which are widely available on world-wide level right now.

released January 21, 2018

  • fixed a reset issue of TL-MR3040
  • improves handling of wind max gust speeds for weather network Meteotemplate.

released January 11, 2018

  • further improvements on WMR-300 driver

released January 11, 2018

  • fixes a newly invented serial console kernel driver issue for Davis USB loggers for WL-330N3G platforms.

released January 10, 2018

  • Wmr89-big.jpg
    fixes an freshly introduced bug in regard to handling negative wind chill temperatures for WMR-300 station
  • reduces pointless writing of same sensor values into internal storage every few seconds for WMR-300 weather station. Now data in Meteobridge is only updated when sensor data has changed or 50 seconds have passed. By that storage consumption is reduced without compromising on tracking fast sensor data changes.
  • adds support for Oregon Scientific low budget weather station WMR-89. Support is still experimental, but we have been asked many times to support this station, which we now do :-)

released January 8, 2018

  • fixes some bugs in the WMR-300 low level driver, which made reporting of sensors unstable in certain situations.

released January 3, 2018

  • Badchart.png
    Meteobridge PRO: updates chart engine to latest version (3.21.12). This fixes a specific chart bug (shown in the picture on the right) that can show up when using the Chrome browser in combination with line charts.
  • Meteobridge PRO: Does show size and free space of backup media when initiating a backup. Messages section on "System" tab will provide this information.

released January 2, 2018

  • adds "MMM" template variable to report month as English three letter abbreviation ("Jan", "Feb", etc).
  • adds multiplier to template variable converter. For example: Converter "F10" reports temperature in degrees Fahrenheit multiplied by 10. That way template variables can report current outdoor temp in 1/10 of degrees Fahrenheit ("th0temp-act=F10") or daily rain fall in 1/100 inch ("rain0total-sumday=in100").
  • These features allow to generate CWOP/wxnow.txt (http://wiki.sandaysoft.com/a/Wxnow.txt) data strings as follows:
Feb 01 2009 12:34

Corresponding template definition looks like this:

[MMM] [DD] [YYYY] [hh]:[mm]\n

New TP-Link MR3020 hardware (Version 3) not compatible with Meteobridge!
We got notice that TP-Link rolled out a new hardware version of the TL-MR3020. The new units cannot be flashed with Meteobridge firmware. You can identify these version 3 devices by the sticker on the packaging telling you that it is a version 3 model and by the new TP-Link logo and the "300Mbps" text on the front of the device. There is a posting in the forum that gives you even more details why these units cannot be used with Meteobridge right now.

released December 27, 2017

  • fixes a bug sometimes impacting restore of settings on "System" tab.

released December 18, 2017

  • increases handling of partly not available gust speed at weather station WMR-300.

released December 13, 2017

  • Shutdown.jpg
    Meteobridge PRO: Allows a clean and save shut down by pressing the reset button (behind the pinhole) until vertical status bar has scrolled down completely and "Shut Down" appears on the display. Now button can be released. When red LED is turned off, system is powered down and can be unplugged from power without risk of data being damaged on the USB storage. It will need a power cycle to start again.
  • Meteobridge PRO: A "Shut Down" button has been placed next to the "Reboot" button on "System" tab. Pressing it gives you a warning that it will need physical access to the device to get it started again. Confirming that, the shutdown will happen.

released December 11, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes erroneous "license update period expiration" messages on "System tab".

released December 9, 2017

  • Emailattach.png
    Meteobridge PRO: adds delete option for newly introduced email attachments. Deletion of the attached file is only performed, when email was sent out successfully.

released December 8, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: adds a feature to send charts and export files as email attachments.

Version 3.4

released December 4, 2017

  • fixes a bug that prevents from uploading data to weather network idokep.
  • allows to read data from webcams in PNG and JPG format (previously only JPG was allowed)

released December 3, 2017

  • adds internal temp and humidity readings to idokep weather network
  • reduces maximum RF sensitivity for Meteostick readings to -95db. More sensitive settings have turned out to be useless as they pickup too much RF noise to give a reliable reading of data.

released November 27, 2017

  • improves error reporting on failed HTTP requests

released November 26, 2017

  • fixes a bug that stalls the data logger when some weather network details left empty (like WU ID).

released November 19, 2017

  • fixes a red mark error on "weather network" tab when using Home Weather Station. Previous fix has not been effective in all situations.
  • Bandwidth2.png
    renames Meteostick RF bandwidth options from "narrow / normal / wide" to "direct / via console". "direct" (which corresponds to formerly "narrow") has to be used when receiving data directly from the Davis sensors or from an external Davis repeater. When packets retransmitted from the Davis console should be read, option "via console" has to be used. This is identical to formerly used option "normal". Option "wide" has been dropped, as it has shown not to be useful in Davis RF context.
  • Webcamio.png
    adds support for "webcam.io" service, which users might use as replacement for to be terminated "Weather Underground Camera" service. Just setup a FTP cam upload service within Meteobridge and give this as path:
    Prerequisite is that you have setup a free test account at webcam.io as explained here: www.webcam.io

released November 16, 2017

  • fixes a sensor mapping error for th70 when using Davis sensors in combination with Meteobridge PRO or Meteostick.
  • fixes a red mark error on "weather network" tab when using Home Weather Station setup with "mb.php" script located in subfolder "mbridge".
  • Meteobridge PRO: improves handling of "database reconstruct" option by pausing data logging of sensor data just being reconstructed.

released November 4, 2018

  • Htmlemail1.png
    fixes email send functions so that quote characters (") can be sent.
  • Htmlemail2.png
    provides new HTML option to send HTML formatted emails. Below you see a definition of a HTML email in the Meteobridge "Subject # Body" notation and on the right you see how the resulting HTML email looks like. Images can also be included by HTML <img> references. Direct inclusion of images into the email is not supported.
todays temp at [hh]:[mm]#<body><table border="1">
  <tr><td>current temp</td><td>[th0temp-act:--]°C</td></tr>
  <tr><td>min temp</td><td>[th0temp-dmin:--]°C</td></tr>
  <tr><td>max temp</td><td>[th0temp-dmax:--]°C</td></tr>

released October 26, 2017

  • fixes a bug on handling single quotes in camera overlay strings

relased October 24, 2017

  • fixes a bug regarding ok/error mark for alarm events on "Live Data" tab.
  • better handles slow down issue of some observerip models and avoids wrong selection of measurement units.

released October 14, 2017

  • Eventlog.png
    limits event history to 30 lines, but allows to show full history (up to 4000 bytes in total) when clicking onto upload status indicator. Event history will show-up in a new window.

released October 12, 2017

  • adds event history to each of the upload services listed in upper section of "Live Data" tab. When mouse is moved over the upload status indicator a list of last upload events is shown.

released October 11, 2017

  • does up to 3 retries on sending SMS. This handles spare situations where contact to SMS service does fail on first attempt caused by routing or Internet time out problems.
  • Meteobridge PRO: enhances "@YYYY" addressing schema to be used with template variables. When "YYYY" is not defining a valid year but is in the range of "0000" to "0010" then "0000" is interpreted as the current year, "0001" as the previous year and so on. In that situation the 4 digit number expresses how many years to skip into the past. These skips need to be in 4-digit style, leading zeros are not allowed to be omitted.
  • Meteobridge PRO: more robust execution of database repair tasks.
  • fixes bug in testing HTTPS connections on "Weather Networks" tab for services "Meteotemplate" and "Home Weather Station".
  • fixes a bug with Oregon WMR-300 station in regard how to handle wind chill computation when primary outdoor temp/hum sensor does not deliver data.

released September 30, 2017

  • fixes a bug that stalls SFTP uploads on DIR-505 platform

released September 29, 2017

  • Sftp1.png
    adds SFTP upload option. This supports password protected SFTP upload only (no key based upload). SFTP upload services can be selected like FTP upload, parameters are the same. Implementation is still regarded beta. FTPS (aka FTP via TLS) is not supported. An option to test a SFTP connections is added at the bottom of the "services" tab.
  • more nicely adapts HTTP timeout settings to given send intervals. This means tighter timeouts are applied for rapid sending and more relaxed timeout apply when data is sent just every 30 seconds or even less often. Maximum timeout is 13 seconds. A URL not answering in that interval can be regarded broken (even on slow cellular networks).

released September 22, 1017

  • Upload.png
    Meteobridge PRO: allows to upload files via admin web interface to SMB folders "charts, "templates", "scripts" and "export". Simply browse to "http://ip-of-your-meteobridge/upload.html" and select folder and file to upload.

released September 21, 2017

  • Wring.gif
    adds weather network "Wetterring". All you need is an ID key from Wetterring and you can easily upload data in user-defined intervals to the "Wetterring" network "http://www.wetterring.com". Main focus of Wetterring is Austria and Switzerland.

released September 10, 2017

  • Humstretch.png
    does no longer report temperature as dew point when humidity is at 0%. Behavior is altered, so that no dew point value is reported, when humidity is at 0%. This is because there is no dew point without humidity. When you urgently need some kind of dew point even when your humidity sensor reports zero, you can adapt humidity stretch as follows. A value of "0" will then be mapped to "1".

Firmware Image Update September 9, 2017

We got notice that TP-Link changed the NOR flash storage in some of the newer hardware batches named Rev 1.9 (see picture on the right) of the MR3020. Unfortunately, this chip is not supported by the Linux kernel we use in our current Meteobridge firmware and the unit will not boot. But we were lucky enough to patch the kernel this evening, so that the new chip is now recognized and Meteobridge firmware in new version 1.5 is now doing well again. For those who flashed one of the impacted MR3020 with Meteobridge firmware 1.4 the sad message is, that the unit is bricked. I just posted an instruction in the forum how to resurrect the device without opening it, but it is more for the hardcore techie: http://forum.meteohub.de/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=12318&p=23502#p23502

I am sorry for the hassle, but we cannot foresee, what TP-Link will surprise us with.... all we can do is to solve issues pretty fast, which I think we did.

released August 17, 2017

  • adds template variables "daylengthmin", "civillengthmin", "nauticallengthmin" which report length of shortest day (December 21) of the current year at the given longitude/latitude.
  • adds template variables "daylengthmax", "civillengthmax", "nauticallengthmax" which report length of longest day (June 21) of the current year at the given longitude/latitude.
  • adds converters "secs", "mins", "hours" to be applied to daylength results. Converter returns a floting point number that defines the time period in seconds, munites or hours instead of the standard "HH:MM" format. This makes it more easy to to math between time durations. Example: Template string "{* [mbsystem-daylengthmax=mins.0] - [mbsystem-daylength=mins.0] *0}" returns number of minutes the current day is shorter than longest day of the year.
  • adds an option to specify number of leading zeros when using decimals specifier. "{*([mbsystem-daylengthmax=mins.0]-[mbsystem-daylength=mins.0])/60*00t}:{*([mbsystem-daylengthmax=mins.0]-[mbsystem-daylength=mins.0])%60*00t}" returns lost daytime compared to longest day of the year in "HH:MM" notation. "*00t}" sets output to 2 digits filled up with leading zeros ("00") if necessary and does not do rounding but cuts of decimals ("t").

Version 3.3

released August 13, 2017

  • fixes bug that skips first rain data reading when stations rain counter has been reset to zero. This especially happened when using Davis Envoy8x.
  • allows for up to 10 external temp/hum sensors when using Oregon WMR-200 station.

released August 2, 2017

  • corrects solar radiation values for WH-2310 / 4000 stations to better match display data.
  • handles return messages of weather networks in more secure way.

released July 27, 2017

  • adds upload of monthly and yearly rain totals to ambient weather network support.

released July 26, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug that breaks chart generation when a sensor used in the chart is disabled on "live data" tab.

released July 20, 2017

  • improves reset handling of USB port when connected to Fine Offset 2310 / 4000 weather stations.

released July 11, 2017

  • adds support for additional external temp sensor (channel 101) when using station Lufft WS600.
  • fixes bugs on Fine Offset 3210 / 4000 implementation.
  • fixes a bug where Meteoplug cloud service might show false sea level pressures in certain situations.
  • adds heat index to WeatherCloud uploads.

released July 8, 2017

  • fixes a bug in support of weather station Fine Offset 2310 / 4000 that blocked data logging once a USB CRC error has occurred.

released July 4, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug related to chart generation when using time frame "last quarter".

released Juli 3, 2017

  • Wh2308.png
    adds support for Fine Offset 2310 / 4000 weather stations, which are also rebranded as "Tycon TP2700".

released Juli 2, 2017

  • applies non-standard primary sensor settings to HomeWeatherStation uploads. Changing primary sensors on live data tab did not had an effect on which sensors were used for feeding HomeWeatherStation uploads. With the new release, this is taken into account as with the other weather networks.

released July 1, 2017

  • Wurainrate.png
    adds an option to send true rain rate data to WU instead of cumulated rain of last 60 minutes. Default Meteobridge upload of cumulated rain is in line with WU specification but some users requested to see rain data on WU as on their console. This can now be realized by setting the switch to "alternative rain rate".

released June 19, 2017

  • removes user-defined retries for weather network ambientweather.net to spare server bandwidth.

released June 18, 2017

  • improves algorithm to compute station pressure from SLP as reported by Vantage. Normally, Meteobridge directly requests station pressure from Vantage by means of LOOP2 protocol. But there might be situations where Vantage console is on old firmware level (below 1.9) not supporting LOOP2 or when Meteobridge acts as a slave to a PC weather program emulating a WLIP device and by that might not get LOOP2 packets. Please understand that back computation of station pressure from SLP is not perfect as average humidity and temperature of last 12h hours is not avail to Meteobridge. When you are operating in higher altitudes be prepared that some variation will occur. You can compensate by pressure adjustments on "station" tab.

released June 14, 2017

  • fixes time triggers "before each new year", "before each new month" and non-PRO Meteobridges (PROs did not had the reported problem).
  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug uploading export data via FTP. Latest export file is now available as "export:lastexport.txt" or "export:lastexport.exp" and a bug when using full qualified inline FTP credentials has been fixed.

Version 3.2

released May 29, 2017

  • includes all changes until this point in time into release 3.2 which is the base release available for all licensed systems, regardless if 2 years of free update support has passed or not.
  • adds HomeWeatherStation support on "weather network" tab to make it most easy to use.

released May 26, 2017

  • adds template variable "epoch" which returns current date/time as unsigned integer in Unix style (seconds since January 1, 1970).
  • Meteobridge PRO: changes OLED screen saver to show two moving vertical lines when active. Screen saver pauses a few seconds and shows original content when lines do meet in the middle of the screen. Moving lines avoid having the false impression that display is completely off.

released May 19, 2017

  • fixes a bug that falsely reports that Meteotemplate URL is malformed.

released May 14, 2017

  • adapts error handling to changes in return messages of weather network previmeteo.
  • adds some checks on providing correct API URL when feeding Meteotemplate sites.

released May 7, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug (introduced with previous version) that impacted classical display loop templates.

released May 6, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes another OLED driver bug that tends to show first screen of loop after loop has been finished.

final 3.2 version released May 6, 2017

  • introduces limited time frame for update support. Free updates are available for first 2 years after license purchase. Having passed that period an update license that covers another two years of free update service can be purchased for 19 Euros. Purchase can be made within the Meteobridge application via a PayPal button. Being out of update services users will stick to their current version, which will stay operational. Bug fixing and trouble shooting will focus on new versions, there are no plans on back-porting bug fixes or deploying new features to older versions. Meteobridge PROs are not subject of these changes, they still get all updates for free.

released April 30, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes start/stop issue of OLED driver and improves CPU efficiency of OLED driver code.
  • Meteobridge PRO: improves "once" display scripts to erase static screen content (like smartbedded intro logo) when triggered. This helps to render screen black after each round of displaying weather data.

released April 28, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: improves display operation. While default display scripts show weather data on the display in a loop for a period of 5 minutes, there are now script variants available that run throw the loop only one time and switch off display after that. These variants end with "once" in the drop-down list, where you select the display scripts. When you trigger these scripts every 2 minutes, you get about 40 seconds of data being displayed, then display goes off and starts again displaying data when 2 minutes are passed. This helps reducing screen wear-out while still providing you with data on the display.

released April 26, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug related to display operations.

released April 22, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: switches OLED into sleep mode after 5 minutes of inactivity. After that content is displayed for 3 secs every minute. When new data is sent to the display, it wakes up immediately and 5 minute countdown to sleep starts again. This measure protects display from early wear out. Timeout to sleep is hard coded and cannot be changed by the user right now.

released April 12, 2017

  • fixes a bug that blocks "weather network" tab on certain conditions, like a freshly setup system.

released April 11, 2017

  • fixes a bug regarding "1 minute" uploads for Ambientweather Network.

released April 10, 2017

  • adds support for new weather data dashboard from AmbientWeather.

released April 8, 2017

  • fixes a bug introduces with previous update, that inhibits selection Vantage stations when using Meteostick.
  • adds French language support.

released April 2, 2017

  • adds support for Envoy8x additional Soil/Leaf stations to be used by Meteotemplate uploads.
  • adds support for Thies Clima Sensor US station (9600 baud, 8N0, ASCII mode, ID=01).
  • fixes a bug handling negative temperatures with Rainwise CC3000 console.

released March 29, 2017

  • switches to sealevel pressure computation inside Meteobridge, when WS600 station does report identical values for station and sealevel pressure.

released March 22, 2017

  • adds Spanish as language option
  • fixes a bug related to additional temp sensors in regard to meteotemplate weather service.

released March 13, 2017

  • fixes a bug that prevents from selecting "meteotemplate" weather network list.

released March 12, 2017

  • fixes a HTTPS related warning when including Meteobridge PRO charts, uploaded to your web server which operates on HTTPS.
  • allows to read templates and scripts from HTTPS URLs
  • drops complete set of sensor data from FineOffset WH-1080 station and clones, when any data in the record is detected being false.
  • adds support for "Jachym"s Meteotemplate, which can now be selected as a standard weather network.
  • fixes a bug that slows down WU updates.

released February 18, 2017

  • fixes a bug when selecting SSID from drop-down list that includes a colon ":".
  • adds support for weather network "agroclima".
  • fixes a bug when using CWOP and APRS services in parallel.

released February 11, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug in handling local timezone for charting purposes.

released February 5, 2017

  • fixes a bug in handling wind direction from Acurite Aculink devices.

released February 4, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: adds a function on "History" tab that starts a complete reconstruction of the database from the recorded hourly values. This helps in situations, when time zone has changed and as a result higher level aggregated data for days, months, etc will not have the correct time stamps anymore. The reconstruction will take some time and during that period storing new data will delayed until reconstruction has finished. Per minute data for the last hours will be lost by performing this operation. Progress of reconstruction will be reflected in messages section of "System" tab.
  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a deficiency, that database process can run into a failure loop, when some database tables are missing (because sensors might have been deleted on "History" tab). When this happens now, one error message will be reported and database table will be setup again to allow next operation on that sensor to be successful.
  • Meteobridge PRO: adds an adjustable boot delay. This allows the Meteobridge PRO to wait 1 to 5 minutes after a restart before reaching out to the Internet. Optional boot delay can be adjusted on "System" tab.
  • summarizes repeating entries from the logger process in the messages section of "System" tab.
  • fixes a bug that did no correctly handle events "before" and "after" day break. Time stamps used for collecting associated data were not correctly used.

released January 29, 2017

  • fixes a bug that resets timezone to UTC when doing a reboot that forces to start in "LAN DHCP client" mode. This bug did show correct timezone settings on "system" tab but UTC was actually used.
  • avoids redundant messages on "system" tab. Identical follow-up messages are replaced by a repeat notice.

released January 22, 2017

  • fixes a frequent disconnect issue when using 3g USB dongles for Internet connectivity.

released January 21, 2017

  • fixes a bug that prevents from triggering events bound to a specific time of the day.

released January 17, 2017

  • Meteobridge PRO: adds a chart to show sunshine duration in case you have a modified Davis station that has a 3rd party sunshine sensor attached.
  • fixes a bug in handling of "no windchill" option on "station" tab (when used with Meteostick or Meteobridge PRO RED).

released December 25, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: better handles RAM database inconsistencies by purging RAM database automatically if needed.

Version 3.1

released December 22, 2016

  • fixes a bug regarding "no windchill" option on "weather station" tab. Now, when you select this option wind data gets reported even in case no temp sensor for windchill computation available. Formerly, this only worked for Meteostick operation. Now this feature can be used with all weather stations.

released December 19, 2016

  • improves handling of WMR-100 station USB hang-ups.

released December 17, 2016

  • fixes a bug when evaluating "wind0dir-valX" template variables on non-PRO Meteobridges

released December 3, 2016

  • fixes a "running out of RAM" problem when using meteoplug cloud service.
  • fixes a bug when FTP file names are specified with a trailing blank.

released November 26, 2016

  • fixes a bug related to Weather4You.
  • add version 3.1 to the list of versions to manually stick at.

released November 19, 2016

  • expands set of characters that can be used in SMS messages.

released November 16, 2016

  • hotfix that prevents from filling up ram disk with temporary test messages. This makes Meteobridge stall/reboot after a while.

released November 13, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes time frame selection for graphing on a weekly level
  • some internal SW redesigns

released October 30, 2016

  • Heatmap.png
    Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug related to change of daylight saving. This bug could make database synchronization to run into an endless loop and blocking storage of incoming data.
  • Meteobridge PRO: adds new heatmap charts for comparing temperature of a sequence of days.
  • Meteobridge PRO: adds a feature on "System" tab to force a complete database rebuild during start.

released October 24, 2016

  • Chart-2.png
    Meteobridge PRO: fixes some bugs with allinone chart templates
  • Meteobridge PRO: adds a new tempminmax chart template to display min/max temperature values
  • Meteobridge PRO: adds a new allinoneminmax chart template that works like "allinone" but display min/max data which is suitable when looking for summary data on daily and monthly level. This charts show min, average and max values in the legend and also presents balloon data including date/time of min max data when moving the mouse to one of the data sets. As with all Meteobridge PRO charts, they are based on Javascript, which is embedded into a regular HTML file that can be uploaded to your server and can be presented there by iframing.
  • Meteobridge PRO: reflects selection of sensors to be used as primary sensors from "Live Data" tab when plotting charts.
  • Meteobridge PRO: changes execution of export data generation which should now handle parallel triggering events with successive FTP uploads of lastexport files fine.

released October 20, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: Redesign of lastchart handling to make sure chart generations executed at the same time and which triggered FTP upload events are handled the right way to avoid mixing up the order of execution. When changes have proven being bug free, same will be applied for handling data export events which currently can't be executed at the same time in parallel.

released October 19, 2016

  • Chart-gen-and-upload.png
    Meteobridge PRO: Making use of automated chart generation and upload should now be fully supported. As there occured a few questions how to use it, I give an example on the right. As you can see, event #6 generates every full hour a chart of todays data just before the new hour shows up. This triggers event #7 which uploads the generated html chart to a web server and gives it the name "daychart-(year)-(month)-(day).html". Current data for year, month, day is inserted by means of "gnu c strftime" function, which defines "%Y" as year, "%m" as month, and "%d" as day. After successful upload, the local file on the Meteobridge PRO is deleted, as indicated by the "Delete file" mark.

released October 17, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: minor bug fixes related to the introduced chart feature.

released October 16, 2016

  • Chart1.png
    Meteobridge PRO: initial support for generating charts. Feature is still beta, feedback from users is highly welcome. Charts can be defined on "Graphs" tab, where time period, resolution, language and chart type can be selected. Meteobridge shows chart inline and provides two URLs, where the chart can be accessed. "local URL" works in your LAN, while "remote URL" allows you to access it from the Internet, when you have remote access enabled. Charts can also be generated on "Services" tab in a periodical manner. Charts are stored as html pages in "charts" folder, which can be accessed as Meteobridge PC network folder. FTP Upload of charts is also supported, by which you can make these accessible on your web server. "chart:lastchart" mechanics can be used for an FTP upload triggered by making the chart (this works analogous to the "lastexport" item when uploading export files). There is only one chart defined right now (allinone) in iso and imperial flavor, but more to come. Chart definitions are located in "templates" folder and have extension ".chart". Meteobridge charts are based on the "amcharts.com" package which smartbedded has licensed in a redistributable way. Nevertheless, please be aware that you are not allowed to used the included chart libs for purposes outside Meteobridge. Meteobridge charts are interactive, you can select and deselect data, you can modify the time line, and much more. You find a chart generated by my Meteobridge PRO here. Feel free to inspect it.

released October 13, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a shortly introduced bug throwing errors in system log when uploading WD Live data packets.

released October 10, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug where wind direction is not provided correctly in the database.

released October 8, 2016

  • supports additional SMTP authentication schema "plain" to allow i.e. use of godaddy smtp server.
  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug that prevents from exporting per minute data for last 30 hours.

released October 7, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug on rebuilding data base on demand.
  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug when deleting all sensor data from data base for a given time period.

released October 3, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes some bugs around manual editing of values in database.

released October 2, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: removes no longer used per minute data from USB database during database initialization on startup.

released October 1, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: improvements on internal database handling.
  • fixes issue that sometimes "no Internet connection" is displayed instead of WAN IP on "System" tab.
  • fixes issue that provider and IP-based location determination was no longer functional as data provider has changed return format.
  • adds support for Ubiquiti cams with firmware 3.4

released September 28, 2016

  • minor bug fixes

released September 25, 2016

  • Display.png
    Meteobridge PRO: adds a feature that allows to turn off meteobridge display a) always or b) during night or c) during a manually specified period of the day/night.
  • fixes a bug introduced with September 23 update, that prevents storing th0temp data for building average/minimum/maximum values for shortly passed periods (th0temp-avg5, th0temp-min5, etc).

released September 23, 2016

  • adds support for sun shine duration sensors for Davis Vantage as sold by "weerhuisje.nl" and "weatherstations.co.uk". You need a Meteostick or a Meteobridge PRO to make use of this feature. It adds a new station type item "Sunshine Station" to select and provides a new sensor variable "sun0total" which sums up hours of sunshine on daily, monthly, yearly level.
  • adds support for Ambient Weather Observer IP WS-900 weather station

released September 12, 2016

  • maps soil temperature sensor of Acurite Aculink bridge to sensor IDs "t?temp" where "?" is a number starting at 10.
  • pushes date of pure temp sensors with IDs "t10temp" until "t13temp" as soil temperature to weatherunderground. This allows non Davis stations to also report soil temperatures as Acurite Aculink bridge, for example.
  • better support of Davis leaf stations with Meteostick.

released August 24, 2016

  • fixes a bug that an event which is triggered by another event might be started in reverse order.
  • fixes handling of return messages from WOW weather network.
  • fixes a bug that does not correctly start/stop logging process after making changes on "station" tab. This could have produced database locks on Meteobridge PRO systems.
  • adds time control for periodic data exports to be triggered before or after a full hour, day, month, year has been started. Example: This allows to export all data of the current day just before day has passed (option: "before day break"). To be precise, this service is triggered when the day has just passed but data taken into account is limited to the day that has just passed. This makes definition of services that intend to export data of completed days/months/years more easy and straight forward.
  • adds option to FTP upload service, that allows to automatically delete the file from export folder when file has been uploaded successfully.

released August 17, 2016

  • adds optional retries for HTTP push services. Number of retries depend on send intervals.

Version 3.0

released August 9, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug related to evaluation of template variables with selectors "val", "avg", "sum", "min", "max".

released August 2, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug causing "services" tab to fail when over 300 files are located in export folder.
  • Meteobridge PRO: allows to sum up rain data up to 36 hours (has been limited to 24 hours before), "sum30h" will now work.

released August 1, 2016

  • fixes a bug related to reading rain totals from Aculink bridge running new firmware.

released July 31 / August 1, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes bugs when using "@" time addresses with template variables, like "rain0total-sum@h12" which returns sum of rain fall during last 12 hours.
  • finalized support for new Aculink bridge firmware. Meteobridge does now support old and new Aculink bridge firmware.

released July 29, 2016

  • alpha support for new Acurite Aculink bridge data format (still looking for a users bridge to test with)
  • larger input field for WOW site ID to better handle the new very long ID token from WOW.
  • THB sensors with missing temperature and/or humidity data are no longer added with artificial temp/hum data. Temp/hum information for these sensors are no longer provided (example: On Meteostick variable "thb0hum" is missing and on Acurite Aculink bridge "thb0temp" and/or "thb0hum" are be missing).
  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes some bugs on database requests,
  • Meteobridge PRO: adds check for RAM database consistency, when database repair option is selected.

released July 21, 2016

  • reduces fastest update interval for WOW to 10 minutes, in order to avoid bad packet messages with WOW.
  • fixes current changes to final version 3.0 and allows to stick to this version on "system" tab.
  • shortest WOW update interval is set to 10 minutes to avoid rejected data transmission.

released July 20, 2016

  • fixes LOOP and LPS errors occurring when using Vantage IP data logger.

released July 19, 2016

  • fixes a bug related to sending data to windfinder on Asus Meteobridge devices.

released July 15, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: automatically erases database tables lacking data. This will remove sensors from sensor list on "History" tab that don't have any data in the database.
  • Meteobridge PRO: reduces database writes when syncing RAM and USB databases on process start.

released July 14, 2016

  • increases logging timeout period of 15 secs to 20 secs in order to allow more stable WLIP uploads to Davis weather link server.
  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes error messages popping up on early 3.0 version when generating WDL exports.

released July 12, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: massive rework of how data is stored. In essence there now is a pseudo persistent database keeping data in per minute resolution for the last 36 hours and a database in internal USB store that holds data on per hour/day/month/year level forever. Flash wear is reduced by about factor 60 and capacity of 8GB also looks to be overstated as USB database will grow very slowly. As so many code fractions needed to be adapted, there might still be some bugs here and there. Please report bugs to "info(at)meteobridge.com". We expect things going smooth after s short time.

released July 6, 2016

  • adds code to terminate stalled logger processes that might keep tcp ports busy.

released July 5, 2016

  • fixes SMS sending bug introduced with June 28 release

released July 3, 2016

  • makes use of a vector adding method to compute average wind direction. Result is no longer restricted to a fixed number of direction buckets (have been 16 in the past)
  • Meteobridge PRO: in order to eliminate the USB flash defects which are likely to occur after a certain time of use, we decided to dramatically reduce update interval of the internal database. Now data is only written every 15 minutes to the internal database. When this works flawless, update interval is planned to be further extended to every hour. As a result database will no longer provide per minute data. Nevertheless, the current 24h data will be available in RAM, so min/max/avg data of last minutes hours can still be computed correctly. RAM data also survives controlled reboots. Impact of stripping away the per minute database representation in regard to template variables is described in the Template section of the wiki.

Version 2.9

released June 28, 2016

  • fixes a bug which sometimes stalls https requests and by that blocks all uploading.
  • information: Sonotrigger has released an Android app to display Meteobridge data easily and nicely on your smartphone (http://software.sonotrigger.com/)

released June 18, 2016

  • minor bug fixes

released June 8, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: changes in the boot process to better handle internal storage setup problems, which might have caused a stall during boot in certain situations.
  • Meteobridge PRO: enhancement in "cannot connect" black start page, which now also includes system log and list of running processes.

released June 2, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a sometimes occurring bug in WD-Live exports.

Version 2.8

released May 29, 2016

  • fixes bug with "nonzerotime" selector when applied to rain total values (was fine on MB PRO, but wrong on standard Meteobridges).

released May 18, 2016

  • fixes a rain sensor issue occurring on some for Davis stations

released May 16, 2016

  • fixes a bug that prevents from using rain total counter for summing up sunshine duration reported via a modified Davis rain station.

released May 14, 2016

  • minor optimization on FTP uploads and upload task scheduling

released May 10, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a few bugs in regard to the manual data export options.

released May 8, 2016

  • adds selector "nonzerotime" which reports the sensor's last occurrence of a value above 0.0. This is useful when applying to "rain0total" sensor to identify time stamp of last rainfall.
  • applies definition of primary outdoor temp sensor also the sea level pressure and windchill calculation.

released May 7, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: adds features to address data from the past by giving an absolute or relative point in time description. This allows a very flexible access of data from the database when designing templates. Details can be found here: http://meteobridge.com/wiki/index.php/Templates#Meteobridge_PRO_Additions
  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a sporadic occurring bug in reporting temperature and humidity inside the box
  • adds more precision when computing sea level pressure for Ambientweather ObserverIP solution. This might be noticeable when operating in higher altitudes.

released May 6, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug that can add phantom rain on reboot.

released May 1, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug that crashes the system (caused by RAM shortage) when generating very large export files (many sensors of a month in a one minute resolution).

released April 28, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: SMS send service can now handle multiple recipients separated by comma.

released April 27, 2016

  • adds support for weather network Wedaal

released April 26, 2016

  • better handles load peaks when many services try to upload via slow network protocols like FTP. This will improve stability for power-users pushing Meteobridge / Meteobridge PRO to its limits.

released April 23, 2016

  • fixes a bug in regard to total rain fall computation, where sometimes rain fall was not registered.
  • supports new HTTPS upload URL of windfinder

released April 18, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: fixes a bug related to sending emails from template folder that contain line feeds. Bug was rather nasty as it stalls the data logger.

released April 13, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: adds "Sunrise Switzerland" as predefined 3G provider.
  • adds script that can be called to keep WAN connection alive by pinging Google DNS Script URL is "http://templates.meteobridge.com/keepwan.sh".

released April 9, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: allows to pre-configure MBPRO for distinct reseller options by means of a USB stick. If you have a need for mass pre-configuration please contact "info(at)meteobridge.com" for details.

released April 5, 2016

  • fixes a bug that throwed an error when selecting network tab. Bug was limited to Meteobridges licensed by ambientweather.

released April 3, 2016

  • minor bigfixes

released April 2, 2016

  • adds Dutch WOW-NL network, which runs a partnership with UK WOW office.
  • Meteobridge PRO: write frequency of "non-weather" data like signal level, battery level, all the system information is reduced to every 5 minutes instead of every minute. That reduces write load and write volume in regard to the database significantly and makes database operations more crisp and reduces "database locked" situations.

released March 28, 2016

  • adds "=apm" converter to template variables about sun/moon rise and set times.
  • Windchill.png
    adds option on "Station" tab not to compute wind chill. This is useful when you don't have a temp sensor and wind speed recording will be blocked while waiting for an outdoor temp sensor to show up in order to compute wind chill correctly.

released March, 26, 2016

  • allows to use "\#" in email subjects to insert a "#" into the subject field. Quoting the "#" character is needed as an unquoted "#" will indicate that subject ends and following characters are part of the email body.
  • fixes a bug in reporting min/max time stamps in AM/PM notation
  • fixes a bug that prevented DIR-505 platform to update Meteostick firmware.

released March 21, 2016

  • Meteobridge PRO: minor update on optional database repair function.

released March 20, 2016

  • changes to a better sea level pressure computation algorithm for Meteostick used with Meteobridge
  • Meteobridge PRO: does some improvements on optional database repair function on reboot.

released March 19, 2016

  • adds converter "apm" to allow reporting min/max time stamps as local time in AM/PM style. Example "201603011123344AM" indicates "2016 March 11, 12:33:44 AM".
  • fixes a bug when reporting dew point via port 5556.
  • fixes a bug reporting dew point data to Meteoplug live cloud service.
  • fixes a bug regarding IP-Observer solar radiation read out.

released March 13, 2016

  • fixes a bug on handling of multiple threads initiated by the weather network daemon. The bug seemed to be responsible for stall