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Before you decide to go the Meteobridge way you might be interested to understand a bit more what to expect from Meteobridge right now, what is planned for coming releases and what Meteobridge will not be able to do for you.
Implemented Features
- Meteobridge can upload weather station data to
- Weather Underground (rapid fire, updates down to every 5 seconds)
- Weather Underground Camera
- WeatherForYou
- UK MetOffice WOW
- Open Weather Map
- Weather Cloud
- Windfinder
- Windguru
- Idokep
- Weatherflow
- Windfinder
- Wetter.com
- CWOP (Citizen Weather Observer Program)
- Previmeteo
- Anything Weather
- Meteonews
- Meteoplug Cloud service, to allow for advanced graphing of individual weather data
- Meteobridge Weather Cam (including weather data annotation to the cam picture)
- Wetterring
- Meteoagro Net
- Meteoclimatic
- Windy
- Caburé
- WeatherCloud
- AgroClima
- Meteomap.cloud
- Davis Weatherlink (for Davis stations only)
- Ambientweather Network (Weatherbridges sold by AmbientWeather only)
- Schleswig-Holstein-Netz
- Wetterwarte Sued
- weather365
- Davis Weatherlink (only if Meteobridge is physically connected to a Davis console or Envoy)
- RedMeteo.cl
- WeatherWizz
- It can upload data to feed your own weather data website based on the well-known "saratoga-template" (example: http://tau.meteobridge.com/saratoga/index.php) or "Leuven-Template" (http://leuven.meteobridge.com/leuven28/index.php) or "Meteotemplate" (http://www.meteotemplate.com) or the famous and fantastic looking "Weather34 Template" (https://weather34.com/homeweatherstation/).
- Meteobridge device is completely managed by your PC's browser, you don't have to install any additional software on your PC.
- Meteobridge connects to your LAN or WLAN.
- Supported WLAN types are be 802.11n, 802.11g, or 802.11b, no MESH WLANs.
- All main WLAN encryption standards are supported (WEP, WPA, WPA2).
- When your LAN/WLAN is behind a proxy, Meteobridge can be configured to use the proxy instead of trying to directly connect to the Internet.
- Your weather data will be sent directly to the Internet weather network, nothing in-between.
- Meteobridge can be used for free during a 14 day tryout period. After that a one-time licensing of the device is necessary to use it further on. Licensing can be done online with a few clicks and by entering the received license key.
- Meteobridge supports a broad range of weather stations. Please see Chapter Stations to get more details on this.
- Meteobridge's web interface is secured by a password you can change.
- When selecting this feature you can reach your Meteobridge from the Internet without tweaking your router.
- Meteobridge can be reset to default network behaviour and default password with the unit's reset button. So you should never be locked out, whatever you did wrong when configuring the network parameters or changing passwords.
- There is an Internet application that allows you to make a network configuration for your Meteobridge device without having that running yet. Configuration can be downloaded to USB stick and when starting Meteobridge device with this stick plugged in, it will use the stored configuration for startup. This is a significant simplification when setting up meteobridge as a WLAN device or in non-DHCP LAN environments.
- Meteobridge can be asked by HTTP GET requests for recent sensor data in plain text or XML style.
- Beside sending weather data to Internet weather networks Meteobridge can also
- send weather data to Internet servers via HTTP GET requests,
- store data at a MYSQL databases,
- send e-mails with embedded weather data.
- ftp/sftp upload of files received from a http server in the Internet and filled with weather data by Meteobridge.
- can execute shell scripts received from a http server in the Internet and filled with weather data by Meteobridge.
- Meteobridge can trigger any of the actions above based on user-defined weather data conditions.
Planned Features
Please keep in mind that features marked as planned in this section, are not guaranteed to show up. Nevertheless, it might be interesting for you to at least get an idea, what next steps in development to expect.
- Support for additional weather networks
Additional Features of the PRO and NANO SD
The Meteobridge PRO offers these additional features
- local storage of all sensor data in a minute resolution
- automated backup of stored data to a USB thumb drive (micro SD card in case of NANO SD)
- editing of stored data
- expanding template replacement mechanism to data stored further in the past
- display of user-defined data (MB Pro only)
- export of data in user-defined formats
- generation of user-defined graphs
- logging system data like power consumption, climate inside the box and various system status information
- access to data via SMB share (pc network folder)