Weather Cam Image Handling

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This page is intended to give some examples what Meteobridges weather image conversion with the Linux tool "convert" can offer. I selected this freely available image from Univerity of Arizona as an example to do some comversions with.

You will find a complete set of "convert" commands (not all working with Meteobridge) here.

original image (720 x 540)

cut off header, new size (720x490)

Overlay text:

-crop 720x490+0+50

add weather data as overlay text

Overlay text:

-fill black -draw "fill-opacity 0.7 rectangle 0 520 720 540" -pointsize 12 -fill orange -draw "text 5 535 '[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [hh]:[mm]'" -fill white -draw "text 110 535 'Temp: [th0temp-act=F.1:--] °F    Humidity: [th0hum-act.0:--] %    Pressure: [thb0seapress-act=inhg.2:--] inHg    Wind Chill: [wind0chill-act=F.1:--]°F    Wind: [wind0avgwind-act=mph.1:--] mph    Rain: [rain0total-sumday=in.2:--] in'" -crop 720x490+0+50

resize image to 640 x 480 (ignore aspect ratio)

-size 150x170 gradient:white-lightblue -bordercolor black -border 1 -fill white -pointsize 9 -draw "text 5 165 'powered by MeteoBridge'" -fill black -pointsize 10 -draw "text 30 15 '[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [hh]:[mm]'" -pointsize 11 -draw "text 5 30 'Temp'" -draw "text 80 30 '[th0temp-act=F.1:--] °F'" -draw "text 5 45 'Wind:'" -draw "text 80 45 '[wind0avgwind-act=mhp.1:--] mph'" -draw "text 5 60 'Gust:'" -draw "text 80 60 '[wind0wind-max5=mph.1:--] mph'" -draw "text 5 75 'Humidity:'" -draw "text 80 75 '[th0hum-act.0:--] %'" -draw "text 5 90 'Pressure:'" -draw "text 80 90 '[thb0seapress-act=inhg.2:--] inHg'" -draw "text 5 105 'Rain/1h:'" -draw "text 80 105 '[rain0total-sum60=in.2:--] in'" -draw "text 5 120 'Rain today:'" -draw "text 80 120 '[rain0total-sumday=in.2:--] in'" -draw "text 5 135 'Solar:'" -draw "text 80 135 '[sol0rad-act.0:--] W/qm'" -draw "text 5 150 'UV:'" -draw "text 80 150 '[uv0index-act.1:--] uvi'"

Overlay text:

-fill black -draw "fill-opacity 0.7 rectangle 0 520 720 540" -pointsize 12 -fill orange -draw "text 5 535 '[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [hh]:[mm]'" -fill white -draw "text 110 535 'Temp: [th0temp-act=F.1:--] °F    Humidity: [th0hum-act.0:--] %    Pressure: [thb0seapress-act=inhg.2:--] inHg    Wind Chill: [wind0chill-act=F.1:--]°F    Wind: [wind0avgwind-act=mph.1:--] mph    Rain: [rain0total-sumday=in.2:--] in'" -crop 720x490+0+50 -resize 640x480!

change brightness and contrast

Overlay text:

-sigmoidal-contrast 4% -crop 720x490+0+50

change left and right

Overlay text:

-flop -crop 720x490+0+50

large annotation

Overlay text:

-fill orange -font Candice -pointsize 48 -annotate +10+100 "Temp: [th0temp-act=F.1:--]°F" -crop 720x490+0+50

Upfront a logo file (here smartbedded logo) has been uploaded to the Meteobridge server via "Upload Logo" option on "Station - Cam" tab.

Overlay text:

-fill orange -font Candice -pointsize 48 -annotate +10+100 "Temp: [th0temp-act=F.1:--]°F" -crop 720x490+0+50 logo.jpg -gravity NorthEast -geometry +10+10 -composite

weather data sticker

Overlay text:

-resize 150x170!  -fill lightblue -draw "rectangle 0 0 150 170"  -fill blue -pointsize 10 -draw "text 5 165 'powered by MeteoBridge'" -fill black -pointsize 10 -draw "text 30 15 '[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [hh]:[mm]'" -pointsize 11 -draw "text 5 30 'Temp'" -draw "text 80 30 '[th0temp-act=F.1:--] °F'" -draw "text 5 45 'Wind:'" -draw "text 80 45 '[wind0avgwind-act=mhp.1:--] mph'" -draw "text 5 60 'Gust today:'" -draw "text 80 60 '[wind0wind-dmax=mph.1:--] mph'" -draw "text 5 75 'Humidity:'" -draw "text 80 75 '[th0hum-act.0:--] %'" -draw "text 5 90 'Pressure:'" -draw "text 80 90 '[thb0seapress-act=inhg.2:--] inHg'" -draw "text 5 105 'Rain rate:'" -draw "text 80 105 '[rain0rate-act=in.2:--] in/h'" -draw "text 5 120 'Rain today:'" -draw "text 80 120 '[rain0total-sumday=in.2:--] in'" -draw "text 5 135 'Solar:'" -draw "text 80 135 '[sol0rad-act.0:--] W/qm'" -draw "text 5 150 'UV:'" -draw "text 80 150 '[uv0index-act.1:--] uvi'"